Posts categorized as "planning"

Weekly Reflection Post 1

It's Monday, March 20th. It's been eight days since I posted my first weekly planning post, and guess what - I totally forgot to do my weekly reflection yesterday! So I guess I'm going to do it now, because I'm not going to let it go undone even I forgot to do it on time.

Monday, March 13

On Monday, I did implement the heap data structure mostly from memory. That's a fun one, and I'm glad I brushed up on it. I completed about 5 hackerrank problems, going a little overboard from what I had planned. I also started putting the pieces together for my HTTP server.

I did not get around to working in Dijkstra's Algorithm, but I did finally get an okay-looking homepage for my blog. Go check it out; it has my face on it, and I'm pretty.

Also, RIP TweetBoy. My sweet garbage robot son.

Tuesday, March 14

Tuesday was a snowday and I got in late, but I managed to interface with Andrew Kelley and we did a bunch of work to get Zig's pow function into a pretty okay state, along with some other necessary additions to the stdlib. That's most of what happened that day, with maybe some additional learnings/investigation that aren't worthy of talking about.

Wednesday, March 15

I for the life of me cannot remember what happened today. Oops, all memory loss! If I do remember I'll amend this blog post to discuss it.

Thursday, March 16

I finished up my Haskell HTTP server just in time to do a live demo at RC, which went fantastically. I didn't do too much other work, however - there was a board games night wherein I ate much good pizza and drank many good libations. Fun stuff.

Friday, March 17

I had a job interview! I interviewed with a fantastic company called Rent The Runway, and was engaged with them for most of the day. I managed to then give another demo of my HTTP server at the company I had just interviewed with - which will become its own blog post, mark my words.


I got a lot of things done. I learned a bunch about Haskell, especially concurrency and more about sockets and HTTP. I implemented a pow function, which is not trivial (and might become its own blog post), wrote blog posts and polished my website. And I also discovered that I sometimes can't remember a lot of what happened the previous week, so I probably need to start recording daily what I do.

Weekly Planning Post 1

It's Monday, March 13th, 2017, and a new week lies ahead of me, tender and raw, like a slab of meat waiting for a butcher to carve off its choicest cuts. Usually I shamble through each week, happening upon those delightful morsels with no real rhyme or reason. Most of the time, that approach allows me to discover knowledge and arrive at new understandings in a very holistic and organic way, taking me down paths I wouldn't have expected. Sometimes it leads to the opposite - stagnation and inaction because of a lack of clear goals, or a lack of motivation. Starting this week, I've decided to try something different - writing a blog post each Monday that outlines in some detail the things I want to accomplish or attempt in the next seven days. It won't necessarily be an exhaustive outline that has me following a rigid itinerary, but it'll hopefully provide some much-needed scaffolding for my weekly activities. Each Sunday, I'll write a "Weekly Reflection" that discusses what I learned and did each day of the previous week, how I'm feeling in general, etc. I'm excited to see how this scheme plays out and if it's better than how I'd been working before. So without further ado, let's make a plan.

Monday, March 13

* Implement min/max heap from memory
* Do 2 Hackerrank problems
* Brush up on Dijkstra's Algorithm, read up on A* 
* Get this blog's homepage out of "under construction" phase
* Work on implementing pow() function for Zig 
* Remember to take my passata and bucatini home from RC 
* Take down TweetBoy ( and write blog post about it
* Start taking a look at High Performance Python

Tuesday, March 14

* Read up more on Emacs, how it works, how to customize
* 2 hackerrank problems
* Read up on red-black trees/AVL trees
* Work on Haskell HTTP Server, begin writing RC presentation on the topic
* Continue with NICTA FP course
* Continue analysis of "no red pixels" strawberry image, work on blog post
* Resume polish/review?

Wednesday, March 15

* Read up on GPG, crypto
* Look into doing open source work for Zulip
* 2 hackerrank problems
* Play more with Three.js, expand blog's playground page
* Work more on HTTP server

Thursday, March 16

* Finish up Haskell HTTP server presentation
* Deliver aforementioned presentation
* Continue working on Zig
* 2 hackerrank problems
* Read up on graph algorithms

Friday, March 17

* Attend data structures/algorithms workshop
* Go to interview prep at RC
* Read from Cracking the Coding Interview
* Whiteboard with someone maybe?